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【死海鹽有助殺菌消炎,濕疹人士適合用嗎?】 - NATROshop

【Dead Sea Salt is good for sterilization and anti-inflammation, is it suitable for people with eczema?】

【Dead Sea Salt is good for sterilization and anti-inflammation, is it suitable for people with eczema?】

A number of medical literatures have pointed out that Dead Sea salt has a salt concentration as high as 26% and is rich in minerals, which can help patients with psoriasis and eczema to greatly improve the skin condition.

In a 2005 clinical trial published in the International Journal of Dermatology, volunteers with dry skin immersed one forearm in a solution containing 5% Dead Sea salt for 15 minutes versus immersing the other forearm in tap water for 15 minutes , It was found that the skin barrier of the forearm immersed in Dead Sea salt water was improved, and skin roughness and redness were significantly reduced, which is estimated to be related to the high content of magnesium in Dead Sea salt. barrier; and Dead Sea salt also contains zinc, which can help wounds heal.

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