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Outdoor Care

NATROshop's outdoor activity care product series is based on the core concept of "natural", "organic" and "safety", and is made of natural plant essence and organic ingredients. Free of chemical additives and artificial colors, safe and reliable. Products include sunscreen, deodorant, personal products, etc., which can provide comprehensive care and protection, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of nature in outdoor activities, while reducing the burden on the environment and body.


Moisture sensitive care
baby care
Body/hand care
Sports care
VITAMAN Sea Salt Body Scrub 男士海鹽磨砂膏 - NATROshop
Paper Cosmetics - So Hot Right Now 天然香體膏 (草本麝香) - NATROshop
Bug Bam! 天然驅蚊棒 - NATROshop
Woohoo Body Natural Deodorant - 澳洲純天然香體膏(TUX) - NATROshop
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Sintra Naturals - Vegan Odor Neutra Stick 純素香體膏 (薰衣草和天竺葵) - NATROshop
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Woohoo Body Natural Deodorant - 澳洲純天然香體膏(Surf) - NATROshop
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Woohoo Body Natural Deodorant - 澳洲純天然香體膏(Urban) - NATROshop
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Paper Cosmetics - Coastal Forest 天然香體膏 (雪松柏樹) - NATROshop
Bug Bam! - 天然驅蚊手帶 - NATROshop
Paper Cosmetics - Bright Shiny Morning 天然香體膏 (清新西柚) - NATROshop
Paper Cosmetics - Bare Naked 無香料香體膏 (適合敏感皮膚) - NATROshop

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NATROshop's outdoor activity care product series is based on the core concept of "natural", "organic" and "safety", and is made of natural plant essence and organic ingredients. Free of chemical additives and artificial colors, safe and reliable. Products include sunscreen, deodorant, personal products, etc., which can provide comprehensive care and protection, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of nature in outdoor activities, while reducing the burden on the environment and body.

Sunscreen can effectively prevent sunburn and skin cancer, especially for people who are exposed to the sun for a long time. Ultraviolet (UV) in the sun is one of the main causes of skin sunburn and skin cancer, so the main function of sunscreen products is to block or reduce the damage of ultraviolet rays to the skin.
Sunscreen products usually have different SPF (sun protection factor) values, the higher the SPF, the better the sun protection effect. Using a sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher can effectively protect the skin from UV rays, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation of America. Also, sunscreen should be reapplied frequently, especially after prolonged sun exposure, swimming, or sweating.
In summary, sunscreen products can effectively prevent sunburn and skin cancer, but consumers should read product labels and instructions carefully, choose products that meet their needs, and use them according to the method and frequency of use.

Sunscreens have the potential to be allergenic and irritating to the skin, but this is usually because certain ingredients are sensitizing or allergic to an individual's skin. Common ingredients that cause allergies or irritation include fragrances, preservatives, certain chemical ingredients, and more.
In order to reduce the risk of allergy and irritation, consumers should read product labels and instructions carefully when choosing sunscreen products, especially the ingredient list. If you know you are sensitive to certain ingredients, choose fragrance-free and no added preservatives, or choose products that contain physical sunscreens like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, which are often less irritating to the skin.
In addition, sunscreens should be tested on a small area of skin to determine if they cause allergies or irritation. If symptoms such as skin irritation, redness, or itching occur after using sunscreen products, stop using them immediately and seek medical advice or consult a dermatologist. Sunscreens have the potential to cause allergies and skin irritation, but this can be reduced by choosing products that are suitable for your skin type and spot testing them.

How long a deodorant stays on and how harsh it is on the skin depends on its ingredients and how it is applied. In general, deodorants stay scented on the skin for a few hours to all day, but this also depends on an individual's body odor and activity level.
The composition of the deodorant is very important for whether it will irritate the skin. Some deodorants contain artificial fragrances, preservatives, and other artificial chemicals that can irritate the skin, especially for people with sensitive skin. Therefore, choosing a deodorant with natural ingredients that are fragrance-free and preservative-free is of great help in reducing skin irritation.
How you apply the deodorant can also affect whether the deodorant irritates your skin. It is best to apply deodorant after bathing and when the skin is completely dry, so as not to apply deodorant to wet skin, which can easily cause irritation and redness. A deodorant can provide a long-lasting scent, but it depends on its ingredients and how it's applied. Choose a fragrance-free and preservative-free deodorant with natural ingredients to reduce skin irritation, and use it properly for a longer-lasting fragrance.

Some ingredients in deodorants may be harmful to the human body. Some deodorants contain chemical ingredients such as synthetic fragrances, preservatives, artificial dyes, and formaldehyde. These ingredients may have negative effects on human health, such as causing skin allergies, respiratory tract irritation, neurotoxicity, or carcinogenicity.
Therefore, when choosing a deodorant, consumers should pay attention to the product label and ingredient list, and choose a deodorant with natural ingredients that is free of fragrances, preservatives and artificial dyes. Some natural ingredients, such as plant essential oils, natural spices, etc., can provide natural aroma, and are relatively safe and low-irritating to the human body.
In addition, consumers can also choose products that have passed green certification, such as ECOCERT, COSMOS, etc. These certification agencies will conduct strict inspection and supervision on product ingredients, production processes, packaging, etc. to ensure product safety and environmental protection. Some ingredients in deodorants may be harmful to the human body, but consumers can reduce the risk by choosing natural ingredients deodorants or products that have passed green certification without fragrances, added preservatives and artificial dyes.

We recommend that clients use British Crocodile Oil Restorative Balm instead of steroid-based creams.

Cleansing scrub products can deeply clean the skin and remove dead skin, but you need to pay attention to the method and frequency when using it.
Cleansing scrubs usually contain small particles or granular ingredients, such as oatmeal, walnut shells, sea salt, sugar, etc. These ingredients can gently rub the surface of the skin to remove dead skin and dirt, so as to make the skin smoother and more delicate.
However, you need to pay attention to the method and frequency when using it. Excessive or improper use can cause damage to the skin. It is recommended to use it 1-2 times a week. When using it, wet the face with warm water, then gently massage the cleansing scrub on the face and neck, avoiding excessive force or excessive rubbing. After washing, gently dry your face with a soft towel, and immediately apply a moisturizer to prevent dry skin.
In addition, for people with sensitive skin, special care should be taken when using cleansing scrubs. It is recommended to choose finer particles, or use gentle natural ingredients for cleansing scrubs, and do a spot test before use to ensure that it will not cause allergies or irritation.
Cleansing scrub products can deeply clean the skin and remove dead skin, but you need to pay attention to the method and frequency when using it to avoid damage to the skin.

Some of the ingredients in cleaning scrub products are natural, such as sugar, sea salt, oatmeal, walnut powder, etc. These ingredients are generally considered relatively safe for the human body. However, some cleaning and scrub products may also contain some chemical ingredients, such as synthetic fragrances, colorants, preservatives, etc., which may be harmful to the human body.
Therefore, when choosing cleaning and scrubbing products, consumers should read product labels and ingredient lists carefully, especially for products containing chemical ingredients, choose certified products, such as ECOCERT, COSMOS, etc. These certification bodies will conduct strict inspection and supervision of product ingredients, production process, packaging, etc. to ensure product safety and environmental protection.
In addition, for people with sensitive skin, it may be more appropriate to choose cleansing scrub products with natural ingredients, because natural ingredients are usually more friendly and less irritating to the skin than chemical ingredients.
Some of the ingredients in cleaning and scrubbing products are natural, but some may also contain chemical ingredients. Consumers should read product labels and ingredient lists carefully when choosing products, especially for products containing chemical ingredients, choose certified products. In addition, for people with sensitive skin, it may be more appropriate to choose cleansing scrubs with natural ingredients.

How and how often you apply a deodorant depends on your individual needs and preferences, but here are some common uses and suggestions:
How to use: It is best to apply deodorant after bathing and when the skin is completely dry. You can use your fingers or the supporting tools of the body balm to gently apply it on the underarms, neck, wrists and other parts that are prone to sweat or need fragrance, and massage gently for a few seconds to make the fragrance last longer.
Number of Uses: The number of uses depends on individual needs and activity level. Generally speaking, using 1 or 2 times a day can keep the fragrance lasting, but if you need to work or exercise for a long time, you can increase the frequency of use.
Note: When using deodorant, avoid excessive use, so as not to cause discomfort to others due to the strong aroma. At the same time, for those with sensitive skin, you can choose a deodorant with natural ingredients that is free of fragrance, added preservatives and artificial dyes, and perform a local test before use to ensure that it will not cause allergies or irritation.
The method and frequency of using deodorant balm depends on personal needs and preferences, but it is recommended to apply deodorant balm after the skin is completely dry after bathing. Use it once or twice a day to keep the fragrance lasting, and pay attention to excessive use and Choose the product that suits you.

Both BB and pregnant women need to use sunscreen, but they need to pay attention to the ingredients used and how to use them.
For BB, it is recommended to use sunscreen products specially designed for BB, and choose physical sunscreen ingredients, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, etc. These ingredients are not easy to be absorbed by the skin, less irritating to the skin, and can better protect BB skin. At the same time, avoid direct exposure to the sun, choose a shaded place for activities, and wear sun protection equipment such as sunshade clothes and hats.
For pregnant women, the skin is more sensitive during pregnancy, so it is recommended to choose sunscreen products with natural ingredients, such as plant essential oils, and avoid sunscreen products containing chemical ingredients, especially those containing avobenzone, parabens, and oxybenzone products with equal ingredients. At the same time, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, choose shaded places for activities, and wear sun protection equipment such as sunshade clothes and hats.
Both BBs and pregnant women need to use sunscreen products, but they need to pay attention to the ingredients and methods of use, choose sunscreen products specially designed for BBs and pregnant women, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, and wear sunshade clothing, hats and other sunscreen equipment.

Deodorants may not be suitable for everyone, as everyone's skin conditions and sensitivities are different, and some people may be allergic or irritated by certain ingredients. Especially for patients with sensitive skin, eczema, dermatitis and other skin diseases, it is recommended to consult a doctor first, choose a deodorant product specially designed for sensitive skin, and perform a local test before use to ensure that it will not cause allergies or Stimulate.
In addition, the skin of pregnant women and babies is relatively fragile. It is recommended to use deodorant products specially designed for pregnant women and babies, and choose products with natural ingredients instead of products with chemical ingredients.
Deodorants may not be suitable for everyone, especially for those with sensitive skin, skin disease patients, pregnant women and babies. It is necessary to choose a suitable product and perform a local test before use to ensure that it will not cause allergies or irritation.