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深入探究:濕疹的成因 - NATROshop

Digging Deeper: What Causes Eczema

Eczema is a common skin condition characterized by inflamed, itchy and red skin. In Hong Kong, eczema is one of the most common skin diseases among children. According to the Hong Kong Children's Hospital, children suffering from eczema account for 10-20% of all children visiting the clinic. There are many causes of eczema, but the most common are genetic and environmental factors. Studies have shown that children with eczema have a 70% chance of finding someone with a similar condition in their relatives.

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類固醇上癮或長期使用的副作用 - NATROshop

Steroid Addiction or Side Effects of Long-Term Use

When people have eczema, steroid medicines are often prescribed to reduce symptoms and relieve discomfort. Steroids are a commonly used anti-inflammatory drug that reduces inflammation and redness and relieves symptoms, but long-term use of steroid drugs can lead to addiction. According to statistics from the Department of Health of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, in 2019, more than 2,000 people sought treatment from medical institutions for "steroid addiction" caused by excessive use of steroid drugs. These patients may have used steroids for many years and have developed dependence and resistance to the drugs. In addition, long-term steroid use may lead to other side effects such as thinning of the skin, dilation of blood vessels, and increased risk of infection.
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類固醇與濕疹的關係 - NATROshop

The Link Between Steroids and Eczema

More than 80% of Hong Kong eczema patients had used steroid drugs, and most of them (62%) had used moderate-intensity drugs. This suggests that steroid medications are very common in eczema treatment in Hong Kong. Steroid use has become a widespread concern due to the prolonged use of steroid creams in the treatment of eczema by many patients. According to a survey also initiated by the Hong Kong Skin Foundation, Hong Kong eczema patients are more concerned about the side effects of steroid drugs. More than half (54%) of the patients worry that the drugs will cause damage to the skin, and nearly 40% of the patients worry about the side effects of steroids. Drugs create dependence.
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