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BB濕疹醫極都唔好?教你正確使用濕疹產品,堅守日常日常三大堅原則,濕疹無痛斷尾 - NATROshop

Is there no cure for BB eczema? Teach you how to use eczema products correctly, adhere to the three basic principles of daily life, and make eczema painless.

Due to Father C's own experience, as soon as he saw BB showing early symptoms of eczema, and knowing that BB had congenital eczema, he already knew that he absolutely needed to take action seriously and took immediate action.

Fortunately, after half a year of hard work by C’s parents, BB has almost completely recovered. As long as he does enough daily care and maintenance and does a good job of reinforcement, he will basically not relapse on a large scale. Now I am happy and beautiful, and can enjoy my childhood life to the fullest!

Parents C hope that by sharing their real experiences, parents who are taking care of BB with eczema will know that even if it is congenital eczema, as long as they take proper care, choose the right products, and insist on doing anti-inflammatory measures every day , repair, moisturize and lock in moisture. Even without relying on drugs and steroids, the skin can be healed using natural methods!

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類固醇上癮或長期使用的副作用 - NATROshop

Steroid Addiction or Side Effects of Long-Term Use

When people have eczema, steroid medicines are often prescribed to reduce symptoms and relieve discomfort. Steroids are a commonly used anti-inflammatory drug that reduces inflammation and redness and relieves symptoms, but long-term use of steroid drugs can lead to addiction. According to statistics from the Department of Health of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, in 2019, more than 2,000 people sought treatment from medical institutions for "steroid addiction" caused by excessive use of steroid drugs. These patients may have used steroids for many years and have developed dependence and resistance to the drugs. In addition, long-term steroid use may lead to other side effects such as thinning of the skin, dilation of blood vessels, and increased risk of infection.
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